Magnetic Pages Article | 1993-11-12 | 2KB | 25 lines
1& Welcome!& --------
FThis is the first issue of a new magazine for all Amiga usersFinterested and involved in creating 2D and 3D graphics and animation.FThe idea behind the magazine is to give all contributors moreFexposure. We feel that reaching a wider audience is important to allFartists and that is why we want to publish collections of images in PC<and Macintosh formats and send them to various PD libraries.
FWe do not prefer one packadge to another and everybody is welcome toFsubmit material on any subject as long as it is something to do withFgraphics. Please do not be afraid to write or send your work in. We"are always happy to see your work.
Copyright ---------
FAuthors submitting their work (text, images, objects etc.) retain fullFcopyright and give bitmap their permission to publish their work as a1part of the magazine and bitmap collection disks.
About the editors of bitmap
DKathrin & Jacek Artymiak are working together on 2D and 3D graphicsFon Amiga and Apple Macintosh. During normal working hours we are students.